Change for the Better


‘Development’ is change by design. As human knowledge advances, so does our potential to improve development outcomes for present and future stakeholders.


Realizing this potential is our company’s business.


We help individuals, businesses, communities and governments to design and implement policies, plans and practices that improve development outcomes. We also design and implement learning and communication resources that improve accessibility and interpretation of information relating to development decisions.


Our services are accessible across Canada and around the globe via the Internet, through our offices in southwest Alberta, and through our business partners.


As you work to make change for the better, we welcome the opportunity to help.



Ventus Development Services Inc.


Phone   (403) 627-8427

Fax       (403) 206-7309


Box 1051   Pincher Creek

Alberta  Canada  T0K 1W0


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© Ventus Development Services Inc.